Pokmon Battling Coin Game - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokmon encyclopedia

August 2024 · 13 minute read
A packet of Pokémon Battling coins

The Pokémon Battling Coin Game was a tabletop Pokémon game for two or more players released by Hasbro in the late 1990s. In the Pokémon Battling Coin Game, players battle their Pokémon (in the form of collectible brass coins) against the other player's. Pokémon Battling coins were sold in packs of three.


Each pack contained three random coins. A coin was released for every Generation I Pokémon (except for possibly Mew), for a total of 150 or 151 coins.

The coins each had illustrations depicting the Pokémon in question, along with a background color corresponding to that Pokémon's type: red for the Fire type, orange for the Fighting type, yellow for the Electric type, gray for the Normal type, brown for the Ground and Rock types, green for the Grass and Bug types, cyan for the Flying type, blue for the Water and Ice types, purple for the Psychic and Dragon types, and black for the Poison and Ghost types. For Pokémon with two types, only one of its types was chosen to be used.


Despite marketing displays claiming there being 151 coins to collect, the existence of a coin for Mew has not been confirmed. If it exists, it appears to be considerably rarer than the others, as evidence of its very existence is lacking, beyond these marketing displays. No known player or collector has obtained a Mew coin, indicating that they probably do not exist.


Each player must have an equal number of coins in their pile. Both players choose the order they would like to use their coins and put them face-down in a stack.

Each player flips over their first coin and both players spin the coins around in a circle. After this, both players stop the coins and move them towards each other. Players compare the results on the sections of the coin ridges that touch each other to determine the result.

Each coin has five sections around the ridge. These ridges may contain a number, the name of an attack, a picture of an item, or a color to indicate a type.

If one or both coins land with a line separating two of the wedges, then both players re-spin.


The most common result is a number. If both players spin numbers, the Pokémon with the lower number is Knocked Out, being placed in the discard pile. If the numbers are tied, then both players re-spin.

When a player's Pokémon is knocked out, the next one in that player's stack replaces it, to continue playing. If the player has no such coins in their stack remaining, they lose the game.


Several Pokémon have attacks that they can use if spun. There are eleven attacks in total. If both players spin an attack, then nothing happens and both players re-spin. If one player spins an attack and the other spins a number, then the number is ignored and the attack is used.

Hypnosis, Sing, and Sleep

If Hypnosis, Sing, or Sleep is used, then the opposing Pokémon is put to sleep, altered in position to have its lowest number being used. Then the player who is still awake re-spins. If the new spin knocks out the sleeping Pokémon, then it is discarded. If any other result occurs (including spinning Hypnosis, Sing, or Sleep again), then the spin is ignored, the sleeping Pokémon wakes up, and both players re-spin.

Bind, Fury, and Wrap

If Bind, Fury, or Wrap is used, then the opposing Pokémon is held in place, in whatever orientation the coin happens to currently be in. Then the player who spun Bind, Fury, or Wrap gets to spin three times to try and knock out the bound Pokémon. If successful even once, the bound Pokémon is placed in the discard pile. If unsuccessful after three attempts, the player's own Pokémon is knocked out and discarded.

Confusion and Poison

If Confusion or Poison is used, and the opponent is using their last coin, then that coin is discarded and the player wins the game. If the opponent still has other coins, then the currently-active Pokémon for that player gets returned to the bottom of its owner's stack and a new coin is brought out to replace it.

Dream Eater

If Dream Eater is used, then the opponent is instantly knocked out. Additionally, the user of Dream Eater may take any coin from their discard pile and return it to the bottom of their stack.


If Boom is used, then both players' active coins are knocked out.


If Transform is used, it is treated as though the player had spun a number equal to the highest number on their opponent's coin.


Items are depicted on the coins, and have priority over numbers and attacks. So if one player spins an item, then the other player's number or attack is ignored, and the player who spun the item uses the item. If both players spin items, then they both re-spin.

Poké Ball

If a Poké Ball is used, then the player can switch their active Pokémon with any in their stack (if there are any that are remaining), and re-order their stack as they wish. After doing so or choosing not to, both players re-spin.


If a Potion is used, then the player can take any coin from their discard pile (if any exist there) and place it into their stack anywhere they wish, but they may not re-order their stack.


If a Double is used, then both players re-spin. If the player who spun the Double spins a number, then that number's value is doubled. If they spin anything other than a number, then the Double item does nothing.

Knockout Colors

If a player spins a knockout wedge of the same color as the color of their opponent's Pokémon, then that Pokémon is knocked out immediately, completely ignoring its own spin, unless that spin is also a knockout wedge of the same color as the Pokémon that it is facing against, in which case, both are knocked out.

If a player spins a knockout wedge of a color that isn't the color of their opponent's Pokémon, and the opponent spun a number, then the player who spun the knockout wedge has their own Pokémon knocked out. If the opponent spun an attack or item, they get to use that attack or item as normal. If they also spun a knockout wedge of a color that isn't applicable, then both players re-spin.

Knockout wedges can have multiple colors on them. When this occurs, they are able to knock out Pokémon belonging to any of the colors depicted on them.

List of Coins

List of Coins
NumberPokémonBase ColorWedge 1Wedge 2Wedge 3Wedge 4Wedge 5
1BulbasaurGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue5040Attack: Poison10
2IvysaurGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue8060Attack: Sleep20
3VenusaurGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue80705020
4CharmanderRedKnockout: Green6040Item: Poké Ball20
5CharmeleonRedKnockout: Green80604020
6CharizardRedKnockout: Green80705020
7SquirtleBlueKnockout: Red/Brown6030Item: Poké Ball10
8WartortleBlueKnockout: Red/Brown80604020
9BlastoiseBlueKnockout: Red/Brown80705020
10CaterpieGreenKnockout: Purple30Item: PotionItem: Potion10
11MetapodGreenKnockout: Purple20Item: Poké BallItem: Poké Ball10
12ButterfreeCyanKnockout: Orange/Green7050Item: Poké Ball20
13WeedleGreenKnockout: Purple3020Attack: Poison10
14KakunaGreenKnockout: Purple20Item: Poké BallItem: Poké Ball10
15BeedrillGreenKnockout: Purple7040Attack: Fury10
16PidgeyCyanKnockout: Orange/Green3020Item: Potion10
17PidgeottoCyanKnockout: Orange/Green5030Item: Poké Ball10
18PidgeotCyanKnockout: Orange/Green70604020
19RattataGray3020Item: Poké BallItem: Poké Ball10
21SpearowCyanKnockout: Orange/Green3020Attack: Fury10
22FearowCyanKnockout: Orange/Green70Attack: FuryAttack: Fury20
23EkansBlackKnockout: Green4030Attack: Wrap10
24ArbokBlackKnockout: Green70Attack: PoisonAttack: Poison20
25PikachuYellowKnockout: Cyan/BlueItem: Potion40Item: Poké Ball20
26RaichuYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue70503020
27SandshrewBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red40Item: Poké BallItem: Poké Ball10
28SandslashBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red5030Item: Potion10
29Nidoran♀BlackKnockout: Green30Item: PotionItem: Potion10
30NidorinaBlackKnockout: Green50403010
31NidoqueenBrownKnockout: Green80604020
32Nidoran♂BlackKnockout: Green3020Item: Potion10
33NidorinoBlackKnockout: Green60403020
34NidokingBrownKnockout: Green80705020
35ClefairyGray403020Attack: Sing10
36ClefableGray6030Attack: SingAttack: Sing10
37VulpixRedKnockout: Green40Item: PotionItem: Potion10
38NinetalesRedKnockout: Green8050Item: Potion20
39JigglypuffGray403020Attack: Sing10
40WigglytuffGray6040Attack: SingAttack: Sing10
41ZubatBlackKnockout: Green3020Attack: Confusion10
42GolbatBlackKnockout: Green50Attack: ConfusionAttack: Confusion10
43OddishGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue3020Item: Poké Ball10
44GloomGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue50403010
45VileplumeGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue80603020
46ParasGreenKnockout: Purple40Item: PotionItem: Potion10
47ParasectGreenKnockout: Purple6030Item: Potion10
48VenonatBlackKnockout: Purple3020Item: Poké Ball10
49VenomothBlackKnockout: Purple70503020
50DiglettBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red3020Item: Potion10
51DugtrioBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red5030Item: Poké Ball10
52MeowthGray403020Item: Potion10
54PsyduckBlueKnockout: Red/Brown4020Attack: Confusion10
55GolduckBlueKnockout: Red/Brown70503020
56MankeyOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown5030Item: Double10
57PrimeapeOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown80Item: DoubleItem: Double20
58GrowlitheRedKnockout: Green6030Item: Potion10
59ArcanineRedKnockout: Green70403020
60PoliwagBlueKnockout: Red/Brown3020Item: Poké Ball10
61PoliwhirlBlueKnockout: Red/Brown5030Item: Poké Ball10
62PoliwrathBlueKnockout: Red/Brown70403020
63AbraPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black40Item: Poké BallItem: Poké Ball10
64KadabraPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black6030Item: Poké Ball10
65AlakazamPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black70604020
66MachopOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown5030Item: Double10
67MachokeOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown7040Item: Double20
68MachampOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown80Item: DoubleItem: Double20
69BellsproutGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue3020Item: Potion10
70WeepinbellGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue5030Attack: Wrap10
71VictreebelGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue70Attack: WrapAttack: Wrap20
72TentacoolBlueKnockout: Red/Brown3020Attack: Wrap10
73TentacruelBlueKnockout: Red/Brown50Attack: WrapAttack: Wrap10
74GeodudeBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red3020Item: Potion10
75GravelerBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red5030Item: Poké Ball10
76GolemBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red70403020
77PonytaRedKnockout: Green6040Item: Poké Ball10
78RapidashRedKnockout: Green7040Item: Poké Ball20
79SlowpokePurpleKnockout: Orange/Black4030Item: Potion10
80SlowbroPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black6040Attack: Confusion10
81MagnemiteYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue3020Item: Poké Ball10
82MagnetonYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue5030Item: Poké Ball10
83Farfetch'dCyanKnockout: Orange/Green70603020
84DoduoCyanKnockout: Orange/Green3020Attack: Fury10
85DodrioCyanKnockout: Orange/Green60Attack: FuryAttack: Fury10
86SeelBlueKnockout: Red/Brown60403010
87DewgongBlueKnockout: Red/Brown70503020
88GrimerBlackKnockout: Green4030Item: Potion10
89MukBlackKnockout: Green5030Attack: Poison10
90ShellderBlueKnockout: Red/Brown3020Item: Potion10
91CloysterBlueKnockout: Red/Brown50402010
92GastlyBlackKnockout: Purple5030Attack: Hypnosis10
93HaunterBlackKnockout: Purple60Attack: ConfusionAttack: Confusion10
94GengarBlackKnockout: Purple80Attack: Dream EaterAttack: Dream Eater20
95OnixBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red70503020
96DrowzeePurpleKnockout: Orange/Black5030Attack: Hypnosis10
97HypnoPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black80Attack: HypnosisAttack: Hypnosis20
98KrabbyBlueKnockout: Red/Brown3020Item: Potion10
99KinglerBlueKnockout: Red/Brown50403010
100VoltorbYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue4020Attack: Boom10
101ElectrodeYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue50Attack: BoomAttack: Boom10
102ExeggcuteGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue3020Item: Poké Ball10
103ExeggutorGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue70Attack: SleepAttack: Sleep20
104CuboneBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red5020Item: Potion10
105MarowakBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red70403020
106HitmonleeOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown70Item: DoubleItem: Double20
107HitmonchanOrangeKnockout: Gray/Brown70Item: DoubleItem: Double20
108LickitungGray604030Attack: Wrap10
109KoffingBlackKnockout: Green6030Attack: Poison10
110WeezingBlackKnockout: Green70Attack: BoomAttack: Boom20
111RhyhornBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red70403020
112RhydonBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red70604020
114TangelaGreenKnockout: Brown/Blue50Attack: BindAttack: Bind10
116HorseaBlueKnockout: Red/Brown3020Item: Poké Ball10
117SeadraBlueKnockout: Red/Brown50403010
118GoldeenBlueKnockout: Red/Brown3020Item: Poké Ball10
119SeakingBlueKnockout: Red/Brown5030Item: Poké Ball10
120StaryuBlueKnockout: Red/Brown40302010
121StarmieBlueKnockout: Red/Brown50403010
122Mr. MimePurpleKnockout: Orange/Black80Attack: ConfusionAttack: Confusion20
123ScytherGreenKnockout: Purple70504020
124JynxPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black7040Attack: Sing20
125ElectabuzzYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue7040Item: Potion20
126MagmarRedKnockout: Green70503020
127PinsirGreenKnockout: Purple70503020
129MagikarpBlueKnockout: Red/Brown30Item: PotionItem: Potion10
130GyaradosBlueKnockout: Red/Brown80705020
131LaprasBlueKnockout: Red/Brown7060Attack: Sing20
132DittoGray6040Attack: TransformAttack: Transform20
133EeveeGray605030Item: Poké Ball10
134VaporeonBlueKnockout: Red/Brown80603020
135JolteonYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue80604020
136FlareonRedKnockout: Green80604020
137PorygonGray605030Item: Potion10
138OmanyteBlueKnockout: Red/Brown70503020
139OmastarBlueKnockout: Red/Brown80604020
140KabutoBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red80604020
141KabutopsBrownKnockout: Yellow/Black/Red80503020
142AerodactylCyanKnockout: Orange/Green70403020
144ArticunoBlueKnockout: Brown/Cyan/Green90705030
145ZapdosYellowKnockout: Cyan/Blue90705030
146MoltresRedKnockout: Green90705030
147DratiniPurple806040Attack: Wrap20
148DragonairPurple706050Attack: Wrap20
150MewtwoPurpleKnockout: Orange/Black100Attack: ConfusionAttack: Confusion30

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